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Highlights of the Easy Operation Cap Lining Machine


Easy Operation Cap Lining Machine Form Shrinkage is most noticeable in the following areas:

(1) Simple to Use Machine for Lining Caps The Directionality of Shrinkage When forming, the molecules are arranged according to the direction, resulting in anisotropic plastic parts with large shrinkage and high strength along the material flow direction (that is, parallel direction), and small shrinkage and low strength along the perpendicular direction (that is, perpendicular direction). Furthermore, the shrinkage is uneven due to the uneven distribution of density and fillers in various parts of the plastic part during molding. Plastic parts are prone to warping, deformation, and cracking due to shrinkage differences, especially in extrusion and injection molding, where the directionality is more obvious.

(2) The shrinkage of the plastic part's line size is caused by thermal expansion and contraction, elastic recovery, and plastic deformation when the plastic part is demolded, which causes the plastic part's size to shrink after it is demolded and cooled to room temperature. As a result, it must be taken into account when designing the cavity.


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